Research Areas:

(1) Digital Marketing
(2) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Maintenance and Upgrade
(1) Digital Marketing (2010-now) [Top]

Refereed Journal Publications (;

  1. Ng, C. S.-P., & Wang, E. T. G., 2019. "Impact of Social Media Management Styles on Willingness to be a Fan: A Transaction Cost Economics Perspective." Pacific Asia Journal of Information Systems (PAJAIS), (ESCI),11(2), 6-38.
  2. Ng, C. S.-P., & Lee-Post, A., 2019. "An Examination of Factors that Influence Social Networking Community Participation Among Millennial." International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD), 10(2), 34-68.
  3. Ng, C. S.-P., 2013. "Intention to Purchase on Social Commerce Websites across Cultures: A Cross-regional Study." Information & Management, 50(8), 609-620. (SSCI/SCI, Impact factor: 1.627). (

Refereed Book Chapters:

  1. Ng, C.S.-P., 2014, "An Exploratory Study of Metrics Used to Measure the Impacts of Social Media Utilization on Business Performance," in: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology," M. Khosrow-Pour (Editor), Idea Group, Inc.: Hershey, PA, Third Edition, (URL:, pp. 2816-2826, 2014.

Refereed Conference Publications:

  1. Ng, C.S.-P., 2017. "The Obstacles in Social Media Engagement: The Need for an Overarching Management Process," The 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Langkawi, Malaysia, July 16-20, 2017, pp.1-14 (
  2. Ng, C. S.-P. and Wang, W. Y.-C., 2013. "Best Practices in Managing Social Media for Business," International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milan, Italy, December 15-18, 2013, pp. 1-10 (
  3. Ng, C.S.-P., 2013. "Factors Affecting the Business Performance of Firms Utilizing Social Media," The 17th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Jeju Island, South Korea, pp. 1-11 (
  4. Ng, C.S.-P., 2013. "An Exploratory Study Of Metrics Used In Measuring The Impacts Of Utilizing Social Networking Services On Business Performance," The 9th International Conference on Knowledge Community, Taipei, Taiwan.
  5. Ng, C.S.-P., 2012. "Examining the Cultural Difference in the Intention to Purchase in Social Commerce," Paper presented at the The 16th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Hi Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pp. (online publication:
  6. Ng, C.S.-P., 2011. "Moderating Effect of Collegiate Major Selection on Social Network Site Continuing Use in Students," The 11th International Conference of Decision Sciences Institute (IDSI), Taipei, pp. 711-712.

Refereed Conference Publications (with students):

  1. Chen, C.-I., and Ng, C. S.-P., 2025. "The Impact of Augmented Reality in Digital Marketing" (擴增實境在數位行銷中的影響) International Conference on Information Technologies and Practices In 2025「2025資訊科技與實務研討會」, Ming Chuan University, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  2. Huang, C. Y., Ku, F. Y., and Ng, C. S.-P., 2025. "Factors Effecting the Security of Cryptocurrency Exchange Platforms: User Vs. Expert Perspective" (影響加密貨幣交易平台之安全性因素:用戶與專家觀點) International Conference on Information Technologies and Practices In 2025「2025資訊科技與實務研討會」, Ming Chuan University, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  3. Tseng, Y.-H., and Ng, C. S.-P., 2024. "The Impact of Organizational Culture in Digital Transformation: Case Studies from the Retailing Industry" (組織文化對數位轉型的影響:零售業案例研究). The 18th International Conference on Innovation, Management and Knowledge Community (iCIMKC), Chinese Culture University, 24th May, 2024, pp. 288-300.
  4. Tseng, Y.-H., and Ng, C. S.-P., 2023. "The Impact of Culture on Management and Product Offerings in Digital Transformation (文化對數位轉型中管理和產品供應的影響)", The 28th International Conference on Information Management & Practice (IMP 2023), Taipei, Taiwan, 9th December 2023, pp. 1-15.
  5. Ng, C. S.-P., and Huwae, M. P., 2022. "An Investigation of the Relevancy of UTAUT2 in the Context of Online Dating App Use among Young Adults in Taiwan," International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS 2022), Warsaw, Poland Europe (Virtual Conference): Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 23rd June 2022, pp. 28-29.
  6. Huwae, M. P., and Ng, C. S.-P. 2022. "An Investigation of the Relevancy of Current Information System Acceptance Theory in the Context of Online Dating App Use among Gen Z," International Conference on Information Technology and Industrial Applications (ITIA 2022), Taipei: Taipei City University of Science & Technology, 22nd April 2022, pp. 61-69.
  7. Lai, J. J.-Y., and Ng, C. S.-P. 2020. "The Influential Factors of YouTube Videos on Consumer Buying Intentions: A Case of Food Industry," 2020 Conference on Network and Information Security (CNIS 2020), W.K. Chen (ed.), Taoyuan, Taiwan: Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology.
  8. Yu, E. C.-H., Ng, C. S.-P., and Lai, J. J.-Y. 2019. "In-Depth Analysis of the Differences between Domestic and Foreign Department Stores' Brand Page Management on Facebook (國內外百貨公司經營社群媒體的差異以 Facebook 為例)," in: International Conference on Innovation, Management and Knowledge Community (iCIMKC), Taipei, Taiwan: Chinese Culture University, pp. 412-433.
  9. Yu, E. C.-H., and Ng, C. S.-P. 2018. "The Differences between Domestic and Foreign Department Stores' Brand Page Management on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram" (國內外百貨公司經營社群媒體的差異-FacebookYouTubeInstagram為例), in the 14th International Conference on Innovation, Management and Knowledge Community (iCIMKC), Taipei, Taiwan, Chinese Culture University, pp. 609-621.
  10. Syue, J.-Y., and Ng, C. S.-P., 2018. "Social Media Users' Continuing Use Intention and Purchase Intention on Facebook" (社群媒體使用者繼續意願與購買意願之研究-Facebook為例), in the 14th International Conference on Innovation, Management and Knowledge Community (iCIMKC), Taipei, Taiwan, Chinese Culture University, pp. 595-607.
  11. Yu, E. C.-H. and Ng, C.S.-P., 2017. "How Does Social Media Effectively Increase Business Brand Awareness and Management - An Example from the Department Stores" (社群媒體如何有效的提升企業社群曝光度與經營之互動關係以百貨公司為例), in the 13th International Conference on Knowledge Community (KC2017). Taipei, Taiwan, Chinese Culture University, pp. 147-159.
  12. Syue, J.-Y. and Ng, C.S.-P., 2017. "A Study of Social Media User Behavior and Brand Community Satisfaction - Taking Facebook as an Example," in the 2017 Conference of Digital Technology and Innovation Management. Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 891-911.
  13. Lin, Tom and Ng, C.S.-P., 2013. Exploring Factors Affecting the Management of Facebook Fan-page in Businesses,” in the 9th International Conference on Knowledge Community, Taipei, Taiwan.
  14. Khomnotai, L. and Ng, C.S.-P., 2012. “A Preliminary Study of Social Commerce Acceptance in Three Different Regions,” in International Conference on Research Challenges in Social and Human Sciences (ICRCSHS). Jeju-Island, Korea: Information Engineering Research Institute, USA, p. 125-131.
  15. Dai, Y.-J. and Ng, C. S.-P., 2012. “Investigating the Effect of Purchasing Intention in Social Network Sites: The Role of Social Interaction and Trust,” in 2012 Conference of Digital Technology and Innovation Management (2012 數位科技與創新管理研討會), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 682-689.

Refereed Workshop

  1. Ng, C.S.-P., and Wang, E.T.G., 2015. "Managing Brand Image in Social Media for Success: A Transaction Cost Economics Perspective," PACIS 2015 JAIS-endorsed Paper Development Workshop, Singapore.



(2) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Maintenance and Upgrade (1999-2018) [Top]

Refereed Journal Publications (;

  1. Ng, C.S.-P., 2013. "A Case Study on the Impact of Customization, Fitness, and Operational Characteristics on Enterprise-wide System Success, User Satisfaction and System Use." Journal of Global Information Management, 21(2), 19-41, 2013. (SSCI, Impact factor: 1.222). (
  2. Ng, C.S.-P., 2013. "Exploring Relationships in Tailoring Option, Task Category, and Effort in ERP Software Maintenance." International Journal of Enterprise Information System, 9(2), 83-105, 2013. (EI compendex) (URL:
  3. Ng, C.S.-P., 2012. "A Case on ERP Custom Add-on in Taiwan: Implications to System Fit, Acceptance and Maintenance Costs." International Journal of Enterprise Information System, 8(4), 44-62, 2012. (EI compendex) (URL:
  4. Ng, C.S.-P., and G.G. Gable, 2010. "Maintaining ERP Packaged Software – A Revelatory Case Study." Journal of Information Technology, 25(1), 65-90, 2010. (SSCI, Impact factor: 2.907) (URL: doi:10.1057/jit.2009.8)
  5. Chang, S.-I., D.C. Yen, C.S.-P. Ng, and W.-T. Chang, 2012. “An Analysis of IT/IS Outsourcing Provider Selection for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises in Taiwan.” Information & Management, 49(5), 199-209, 2012. (SSCI/SCI, Impact factor: 2.627)
  6. Chang, S.-I., D.C. Yen, C.S.-P. Ng, I.-C. Chang, and S.-Y. Yu., 2011. "An ERP System Performance Assessment Model Development Based on the Balanced Scorecard Approach." Information Systems Frontiers, 13(3), pp. 429-450, 2011. (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.596) (URL:
  7. Chang, S.-I., C.S.-P. Ng, Y.-N. Shih, and G.-Y. Hung, 2009. "A Drug Safety Risk Management and Assessment Mechanism for Community Pharmacy in Taiwan." Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (JCIIE), 26(5), p. 344-354, 2009. (EI compendex, and TSSCI)
  8. Chang, P.-C., C.-H. Liu, J.-L. Lin, C.-Y. Fan, and C.S-P. Ng, 2009. "A Neural Network with a Case Based Dynamic Window for Stock Trading Prediction." Expert Systems with Application 36, p. 6889-6898, 2009. (SCI, Impact factor: 2.908).
  9. Ng, C.S.-P., G.G. Gable, and T. Chan, 2002. "An ERP-client Benefits-oriented Maintenance Taxonomy." Journal of Systems and Software, 64(2), pp. 87-109, 15 November 2002. (SCI, Impact factor: 1.277)
  10. Ng, C.S.-P., 2001. "A Decision Framework for Enterprise Resource Planning Maintenance and Upgrade: A Client Perspective." Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice, 13(6), pp. 431-468, 2001. (SCI, Impact factor: 0.971)

Refereed Book Chapters:

  1. Ng, C.S.-P., 2018. "Emergent Theory for Enterprise Resource Planning Upgrade Decision : A Multiple Case Study," in Global Information Diffusion and Management in Contemporary Society, J. Zhang (Editor), IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, (URL:, pp. 98-124.
  2. Ng, C.S.-P., 2008. "Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Maintenance Metrics for Management," in: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, M. Khosrow-Pour (Editor), Idea Group, Inc.: Hershey, PA, Second Edition, pp. 1392-1397.
  3. Ng, C.S.-P., 2005. "Enterprise Resource Planning Maintenance Concepts," in: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, M. Khosrow-Pour (Editor), Idea Group, Inc.: Hershey, PA, First Edition, pp. 1095-1101.
  4. Ng, C.S.-P., 2004. "A Case on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Maintenance and Upgrade Management and Challenges," in: Managing Strategic Enterprise Systems and e-Government Initiatives in Asia: A Casebook, S.L. Pan (Editor), World Scientific, River Edge, NJ, pp. 45-60.

Refereed Conference Publications:

  1. Ng, C.S.-P. and Wang, E.T.G., 2014. "An Exploratory Study of an Emergent Theory for Enterprise Resource Planning Upgrade Decision," Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), Auckland, New Zealand, December 8-10, 2014, pp. 1-10.
  2. Ng, C.S.-P., 2011. "Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Upgrade Decision: Toward A Unified View," The 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Brisbane, Australia, pp. (online publication:
  3. Ng, C.S.-P., 2009. "Examining Multilevel Perspective on Enterprise Resource Planning System Success", The 12th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), pp. 1485-1490.
  4. Ng, C.S.-P., and P.C. Chang, 2009. "Exploring the Links between Competitive Advantage and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Upgrade Decision: A Case Study Approach", The 16th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, pp. 179-191.
  5. Ng, C.S.-P., 2007. "Examining an ERP Customization System: Implications to System Fit, Acceptance And Maintenance Costs," International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB), pp. 513.
  6. Ng, C.S.-P., 2007. "A Case on Measuring Enterprise Resource Planning Success", International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB), pp. 470.
  7. Ng, C.S.-P., Hsu, P.-Y., and Tsai, W.-H., 2006. "Salient Factors for Maintenance Standard Adoption in Enterprise Resource Planning Context: An Exploratory Study," in IEEE Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS-39), IEEE Computer Society: Los Alamitos, CA, pp. (on CD-ROM).
  8. Ng, C.S.-P., 2006. "A Resource-Based Perspective on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Capabilities and Upgrade Decision," Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (on CD-ROM).
  9. Ng, C.S.-P., 2006. "Comparison of Web-Based Survey With Mail-Out And Face-To-Face: Design, Delivery, and Constraints," International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2006), (on CD-ROM).
  10. Ng, C.S.-P., 2006. "A Comparison Study on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Adoption among Three Countries," International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2006), (on CD-ROM).
  11. Ng, C.S.-P., 2005. "Factors Driving Enterprise Resource Planning Upgrade Deferring Decision: A Transaction Cost Economics Perspective", International Conference on Accounting and Information Technology (ICAIT), pp. 840-853.
  12. Ng, C.S.-P., 2005.  “An Exploratory Study on SAP Maintenance Process Management”, Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute (APDSI) Annual Meeting, pp. (on CD-ROM).
  13. Ng, C.S.-P., 2005. "A Study of the Effects of Maintenance Category and Tailoring Option on ERP Software Maintenance Effort," Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute (APDSI) Annual Meeting, pp. (on CD-ROM).
  14. Ng, C.S.-P., Gable, G.G., and Chan, T.,  2003. "A Revelatory Case Study into the Adequacy of Standard Maintenance Models in an ERP Context," Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Adelaide, Australia, pp. 1034-1054.
  15. Ng, C.S.-P., G.G. Gable, and T. Chan, 2003. An ERP Maintenance Model," in IEEE Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-36), IEEE Computer Society: Los Alamitos, CA, pp. (on CD-ROM).
  16. Ng, C.S.-P., Chan, T., and Gable, G., 2001. "A Client-benefits Oriented Taxonomy of ERP Maintenance,"  in IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM), pp. 528-537.
  17. Ng, C.S.-P., G.G. Gable, and T. Chan, 2001. "A Maintenance-data-model of Enterprise Resource Planning,"  in Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), pp. 483-492.
  18. Ng, C.S.-P. , 2001. "A Framework for Enterprise Resource Planning Maintenance and Upgrade Decisions," in Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), pp. 1026-1029.
  19. Ng, C.S.-P., and Chan, T., 1999. "Optimal Timing For ERP Upgrade: A Preliminary Model," in Proceedings of the Annual SAP Asia Pacific (SAPPHIRE 99), pp. 102-114.
  20. Ng, C.S.-P., Chan, T., and Andrews, R., 1999. "Learning to Program in ABAP: An Empirical Study of IT Students' Learning Styles," in Proceedings of the Annual SAP Asia Pacific (SAPPHIRE 99), pp. 89-101.
  21. Willie, S., Ng, C.S.-P., and Palmer, A., 1999. "Remote Lecture Presentation Preferences for Internet Delivered Continuing Medical Education," in Proceedings of the ED-Media World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 99), Vol. 1, pp. 154-159.

Refereed Workshop

  1. Ng, C.S.-P., Chan, T., and Wong, O., 2000. "The Economics of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Maintenance and Upgrade," Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), Brisbane, Australia.

SAP Innovation Congress:

  1. Ng, C.S.-P., 2003. Project Title: Best Practices in the Management of SAP Maintenance and Upgrade, SAP Innovation Congress, Florida, USA, pp. 108-111.



Last update: 01/17/2025